Stones Bakery - Now in Falmouth and Penryn!

Stones Bakery - Now in Falmouth and Penryn!

Drumroll please...

Our new Penryn bakery is now open! All of the Stones goodies you expect, sourdough, pastries, doughnuts etc baked on site. Excellent coffee courtesy of Yallah Coffee; sit inside and watch the bakers work (not too intently or they'll become self conscious) or sit out on the deck and enjoy the sunshine. If the sun is shining. Which it probably is because it's always sunny in Penryn. There's even parking.

Stones Falmouth is going great guns with it's new layout and fresh lick of paint. You can still get all of your baked goods needs met in Falmouth, same as always, and in the not too distant future we hope to be ready to start regular evenings there for pizza and fun times.

Wherever we see you, we hope to see you soon. Better together and all that.

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